Childbirth Premature and Heart Disease Risk

Childbirth Premature and Heart Disease Risk

Women who never gave birth to premature babies are at increased risk of heart disease decades after the hose.

In introducing the report of the results of research at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Janet Catov and his colleagues confirmed the existence of a link between preterm birth with reduced heart problems for the mother.

The group of scientists examined data from 446 women with age limit of 80 years and six percent said a premature birth. After consulting with the lens when the woman takes drugs to protect your heart and consider your age, scientists discovered a woman who was born prematurely, more than double the odds of heart disease than women who never had given birth to babies premature.

However, more research is needed to confirm these results. "The birth of premature infants may be a clue to the women of the first screening of heart disease, and changes in lifestyle, to improve their heart health," said Catov.


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